Ethical In Action
Hidden within the jewelry industry, there are many practices which have a pretty awful impact on the world, its people and other living things. Probably you know about many of these issues, but it’s just as likely that you may not, or may not know what to do about most of them.
@ethical_in_action is an Instagram account that was originally created with an intention to come together in the industry as designers with similar principles and present a project with a quick turn-around time and measurable results. And we did just that. With the help of an amazing collection of more than 25 jewelry artists and the generosity of Columbia Gem House, Susan Fauman and I coordinated a large auction where designers used the same stones to create a cohesive collection of pieces to be auctioned with proceeds benefiting three organizations that work to ensure ethical treatment of human beings in the mining and jewelry-production industries. (We Wield the Hammer, Peoples Training and Research Centre, and The Bonded Labour Liberation Front).
There are many involved in the jewelry industry that are actively against poor treatment of humans and our environment, but there are some in the industry that are still exploiting both of those, and even more yet that are against it but are not actively combating it. Many consumers are starting to ask how things are being made, such as how are the workers treated and where do the stones come from, or what is the impact on the environment. Also, many consumers are unaware or ill-informed, or may focus more on how much something costs and their ability to obtain it than what all took place to create the item.
And, believe it or not, even to jewelers this topic can be hazy. There are many people in the industry that really do care and have for a long time, research has been done and boots are on the ground… But this is a global industry, access to information can sometimes be difficult, and the realities are so much more complex than can be summarized here. The @ethical_in_action account works to share information that has been put out for public knowledge, which is obtained as Susan and Sabrina continue to educate themselves.
(Piece made by Renee Ford Metals)